I hope that if you are reading my blog you remember some of the references I mention… if not, ask!
I remember when the 'prayer of Jabez' trended a few years ago…
I also remember the words being preached in that
season. There was a lot of stuff going
around about an increase of territory.
God was going to expand tent pegs and break down walls…
Well, for me that was the season I really thought that was
what was happening for me. Although
still struggling to make ends meet financially for our organisations and even
for the daily running of our home, I got to travel and travel a lot and it was
a very exciting season. I got to take
the learning of Resilient Kids and try it out in all different places. I got to meet amazing people and work with
some of the nicest people of the world.
It was a few years of really solidifying some learning about resilience.
The other day Facebook reminded me of a day when I got to
speak to 53 heads of organisations about a child care campaign we as Resilient
Kids had been involved in rolling out in the country. I thought at the time that my territory was
increasing and that it was pretty awesome.
I really believed things were going to change for children in South
Africa that year.
On the home front and in the depths of my own little heart,
I was not ok!. My anxiety levels were
high and the social anxiety I had struggled with as a teenager was screaming in
my face. I am a very authentic person
and I struggle to wear a mask…
A very helpful ‘move-a-body friend’ gave me some books to
read and introduced me to Brene Brown’s work.
It was exactly what I needed at the time. Someone was writing about real issues I was
I decided to live wholeheartedly and show up in my
life. I would be real. I would share the whole story with
someone. I did, I shared the real me
with my minister… and just a few short months later he died from malaria.
My territory, my work, my world would never be the same… or
so I thought.
I went into a season where being honest and living authentically
was the most painful thing I had ever done.
However, it was in this season when I really met God not in my strength
but in my weakness! I gave Him my all… I
gave up every plan. I made a choice to
wait on Him and seek Him first before I said yes to anything.
This led me to start studying again. I thought it was so that I could finally get
my Masters so what I would say would be relevant… but He used that season to do
a miracle in my marriage, in my heart and in my family. He used it to align us into His original call
on our lives as a family… it still had everything to do with children at risk
and… I am so grateful for the ministry of Samuel Kisten in this season.
Last year on our anniversary Holger and I knew that we were
standing on the brink of something new.
We did not know what, but we did know it was about us and our family…we
thought it may be a move into Africa somewhere… we positioned ourselves in
prayer and waiting. What came was what
felt like a threat to have everything we had dreamed about and hoped for taken
from us. I remember thinking last year
that we have no “territory” left.
However, a miracle had happened… the “territory” of my
marriage and my family was at peace and shalom was in our lives like never
before. The new territory that God was
giving us was not just for me… it was for us as a family. The thing He was calling us into needed us to
take it on as a family.
The “territory” He was giving us was a new home… a home to reach
out and live out what we really believe.
So, why this blog about territory. I am trying to convey what I learnt about
territory… the first big lesson is that I got into a lot of trouble because I
lived thinking it was about big
influence, but big influence can only grow out of a deep relationship with God
who gives His strategy and we take more responsibility for the life inside
ourselves. I needed to get that it was
not just about what I did but who I was… God wants me to be empowered by His
Spirit and be Christlike and not just resting on my gifts. I was not doing this thing of resting on my gifting deliberately and I would have told you at
the time that I had given Christ my WHOLE heart… but I was deceived.
I have learnt that rest is the key… rest in God who is at work in my life, my
family, my world and He has a good plan.
He shows me His plan and I show up to be hands and feet. The territory some days feels daunting, scary
and slightly too big, but I know I am not alone and He does the miracles. The difference now for me is that I know that the
territory and the tent peg movement is not just about where it is or how
big the influence, but more about the increase of kingdom and even if that is
simply in “Beloved’s” life today… if that is what my FATHER is asking of me for
today, that I do that with the same energy as if I was trying to convince 53
organisations that Child Care Strategies are God’s heart.
Beautiful, Kay. Thank you for sharing your heart.