Roses and thorns...

Yesterday, marked the fifth week the girls have been with us.  In some ways, it feels like a life time already and in others a slight blur.  I think “maternal and paternal leave” was forced on us as we had no choice… but to stop and be present for the girls.  At least we are both safe to them… so if one of us is around the other can go to work.  Which really does help, but requires team work at a whole new level between Holger and me.  They are adjusting mostly well and home has become safe and church has got safer… bed time has got easier.  Overall, we are growing beautifully together.
It is an amazing process to watch their little personalities come out and see their interests emerge.  Their vocabulary astounds us… they parrot all the time and never fail to ask… “What is this?”
 As for their development, they all have some unique little talent that has shown up that can be nurtured and developed.   The youngest girl needs to get into gymnastics, the oldest into dance and the middle girl into piano lessons soon.  I cannot wait to invest into their little lives and see what grows from this…
However, there are some great challenges still.  We have taken on children from very difficult backgrounds and until their court appearances happen and paper work is official we must hold them lightly… this does not feel comfortable at all.  Please keep their paper work and their court appearances in prayer.  We have one on the 5th of April.  I am slightly anxious about it all…
Another great challenge is school.  The oldest girl has settled in well and I am so pleased to say, loving school and talks a lot about it all.  The middle girl only managed one day… and we have been in a process to get her ready to try again.  This included potty training the little girl to be able to accompany her… it is much easier to get them all going together.   I had hoped that by now the oldest girl’s enthusiasm would have rubbed off…
Today is day two of our second round for the middle girl to try school.  The excitement is great, the will to go is great, she packs her bag and chatters a lot… until we get there!  “Something” takes over and she “leaves”.  For two days, I have brought her and the youngest.  I stay and work from the back corner.  I observe and what I see breaks my heart.  The world is very unsafe for them.  My plan to stay for just two days may be short sighted?  If this is what it is like when I am I the room, what will it be like when I am out? 
The school is a beautiful little Christian School with a calm environment and a beautiful facility.  The teachers in their class have calm mannerisms and… I do not think another school is the answer, this one is beautiful and I cannot home-school… as their language is not one I can speak.  I must press through on this one as it is in their best interest.
It is sad to see children who are full of personality hide themselves in public and somehow become blind to fun?!
Holger and I chose to work with children that needed rescuing with an intention to commit to them for the long run.  We are fostering with the desire to give a forever home if that is God’s best for them and for us…
Watching from the back of the classroom

Now we walk this journey one step at a time and sometimes in the dark… but we know He is near…
Thank you for sharing in this journey and listening to the roses and putting up with me sharing about the thorns too…

The next blog is going to be all about Beloved!


  1. This is really hard, Kay. Praying into the deep pain of trauma in these beautiful girls, and the legal processes to secure all of them.

  2. Thank you Rhonda, I never realised how vulnerable they are until all the paper work that secures foster care is taken care of. We have the most amazing social worker at Kin and I am just so thankful we do not have to face this all with out her!


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