Pockets of dependency...

This journey has been one full of surprises!  Some of them are heart-warming and leave me in awe of the beauty of it all and others that have left me gutted and in tears.  Yes, fostering is not for the fainthearted… goal posts shift and often.  Diagnosis of disease and other stuff can be unnerving, especially when you are wired like me… give me emotional weaknesses any day, but health stuff… I did not sign up to be a nurse!
So, last week I found myself needing to get in and spend some time with God a lot.  I found myself at the edge of me a lot, I found myself needing Holger a lot, I found myself not having enough time to work a lot and I found myself needing to be alone to process a lot… the whole lot of a “lots” did not happen in any matter in the way I needed them to.  The week was very busy with the navigating my way through the surprises that were not easy to deal with.
Reflecting on the week now, I see God’s hand in it all.  He was guiding me to a place… a place of “crunch” to get my attention and He did.  He also showed up in profound ways to give me hope and peace. 
Reality is…
We are a pioneer family in the Kin Culture dream.  We must face challenges as pioneers do to help pave the way for the families to come and join the project.  Kin Culture is an amazing dream and it beats in our hearts passionately. The idea of this place of refuge for the most vulnerable children in the society, who need safety… keeps us going!  This dream is why we signed up…
This is advocacy on the frontline, this is warfare at its extreme.  We cannot do it alone, we do not have all we need, we can only stay in humility and dependency on God.  At the same time knowing He has called us because of who we are and what He sees in us… 
We are trusting Him to show up as there are some tough things we are facing right now, but we trust He will and if there is a delay in the provision or the answers it is because He has greater purposes and sees the bigger picture. 
We are today choosing to thank Him for the need, the painful stuff, the pockets of difficulty that keep us dependant on Him. 

We are very thankful for our sending church in Germany, our faithful supporters, our church family in South Africa, our mission organisation and our friends and prayer warriors.  Please continue to keep us in prayer.  


  1. Profound, Kay. Your journey speaks to our hearts - that you encounter God in these places of extremity, as you continue to push through all the very real and overwhelming challenges to realise the dreams he has birthed in your hearts. We stand with you in faith and prayer.


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