Package Deal

For those of you who have been following our journey the questions that have been asked have been amazing and your support has been incredible.  I want to use my blog to address one question right now…
“When did it become four kids!?”  for those of you still asking…
I laugh and answer back… it was a package deal!
Seriously, it is a beautiful story of a beautiful organisation in the industrial area of Somerset West.  Holger, myself and our kids have visited every Sunday since October 2016, after it was clear that we would be taking BELOVED into our lives.  Every week as we played with him, these three girls would pop their heads in the door and greet us.  Holger and Daniel asked lots of questions about their future at first because we know the policy is that children can only stay there until they are 6 years old.  Turns out that the girls had a placement and they were set to be leaving very soon.
The weeks turned to months and we noticed on Sundays that they would still pop their heads in and were not going anywhere.  I asked the social worker one day when I was visiting about them, because the girls kept sitting with me and clearly liked me and BELOVED very much.  Turns out that two of them were sisters and their placements kept falling through.  On the Monday, just before we flew to Germany we met with the Social Worker and she told us the story of the girls.  Holger and I were undone and we committed to take them!
The conversations because of this decision already impacted a lot of things when we visited Germany… some people think we are crazy!  Sometimes you have to just say we chose faith and chose to help girls who really need a family!
When we returned to Cape Town we could not wait to visit BELOVED and our two girls. It was simply right in our hearts!
However, we noticed the third girl who was always with them was not gone yet and clearly seemed attached to them and very much attached to BELOVED.  Again, it said on the board she had had a fell through.  Following my curiosity, I asked the SOCIAL WORKER who told me her story and then she asked if we would take her too!
We laughed together, I laughed out of shock and horror and she with hope… and I left the home to go and have a chat to Holger and our support team.  Her belief in us was so encouraging to me.  She was not joking!
My little family at home was more than in favour of our “package deal” … even Moriah-Jane who at that time was in Germany.  Jessica made a dramatic speech about why it is wrong to split a family.
These three girls have been sharing the room for year.  They are “sisters” and they are meant to stay together… they light up Beloved’s little face every time they come into the room. 
I cannot tell you how blessed we feel to be getting this instant little family and the way it has happened. 

Please pray for us as with the loop-hole, they will be coming home on Thursday!


  1. I can not express in words how proud I am of you.

  2. Blessings upon blessings to you and your family, Kay.

  3. God bless you and your family and the Lord Jesus give you the grace to hold the family together not on only have you given them an eargtly family but because they join your family they already have a place in heaven. God bless you and the new addition


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