Coming home...

The house is filled with giggles and smiles!  We can not be more grateful that the first day and night has gone so well...  As you can see from the photos realising this is home and that BELOVED is really here to stay and so are they was a very special one for everybody.

The real crunch was going to be bed time.  When it is time to go to sleep for the night, we would be able to tell if the girls are really happy with the new arrangement or not.  All got into bed after a whole routine and we put the lights off after Papa prayed.

We waited... with baited breath!
Little sobs echoed from the room... Holger went to fetch the one little one struggling to sleep.  We let her sit with us for a while as we unpacked the boxes of toys and clothes sent with the girls.  We were so blessed with more than enough clothes and toys for them by their care home.

We would highly recommend you fostering from this home if you are interested in this kind of lifestyle.  The level of care they shown to their babies and children is beautiful.  Yesterday they had a goodbye party for the girls.  It was a very special moment to witness with them.  We took lots of photos to show the girls as they get older that they were truly loved.
There were no tears when thy got in the car and after a hour of driving to the farm they had all fallen asleep...
My favourite moment was taking a photo of my four new kids with their social worker.  My biological children were delivered to me by a midwife.  These come via amazing social workers!  She had worked so hard with our Kin Culture social worker to make this process go as quickly as possible.

Jessica had prepped the house with balloons and posters to welcome the girls.  I am so proud of my children and how they have embraced this new season!

They played and then we all swam together... It is amazing to see how their confidence has grown in the pool.  Beloved is loving just lounging in the water too.  It seems like I am going to have to do a lot more swimming again.  It really is a family event... Daniel and Jessica joined in too and there is so much laughter.

We have been blessed by a lady who is going to come every Tuesday to teach the kids to swim.  Swimming lessons are very expensive in South Africa so we are very happy for this gift for our children.
 Back to bedtime...

The little one who could not sleep was quite distraught and confused, after she had settled with us, I took her back to bed and I layed with her.
Her anxiety levels were very high.  She was pulling her hair.  I gently explained that I would stay with her till she fell asleep.  I explained why she should not hurt herself and told her again over and over how much I love her and how glad I am that she is home.  In my mind I was praying and my heart was breaking...  I am trusting God to heal all these children of the trauma they carry in their hearts.

You are home.  You are safe!

I am pleased to say that the only one who was up at least 10 times last night was me...
The rest of the home had a very peaceful night. Everyone woke up in a happy mood this morning.

Thank you for going on this journey with my family.

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

Thank you for caring as we extend a home to these precious little lives...

We can not do this without the support of a team of people who love us all.

Got to run... time to go play outside!


  1. Heart-breaking but so hopeful, Kay, that this message can be imprinted on their hearts and minds: "You are home. And you are safe." Praying for Beloved and his three sisters.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your heart and stories so deeply with us.

  3. You too are home now...and doing what you do best.


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