Stories of Hope

A dear friend and I have been dreaming about making a platform for women of faith, courage and strength to be able to tell their stories.  The hope is as they tell there stories that they would generate hope in younger women to have faith to not only dream their dreams but live them.
It was under a tree in Uganda on the banks of the Nile River where we first spoke about it.  We were blown away by the local Ugandan women speaking at the Women's Conference we were speaking at.  We wanted to take them with us and let them speak to the hearts of all young women trapped in despair in South Africa. We wanted them to inspire those in poverty to hope... we saw something of wealth and genuine value and incredible stories of faith, trust and hope.  They did not need us, we needed them!

In the last few weeks we have taken our first steps to having a local woman of incredible faith tell her story.

Please pray for this project.  

Many stories of hope are out there waiting to be told.  As we listen to others to tell there story... I thought one way for me to share a bit of my story is for you to listen to some of it...

My unfolding story of hope!  
