Rebuilding Safety

I was in a workshop this morning and we were looking at how we can help teens to look at their core beliefs to help address their addictions.  Part of the exercise was to go on a visual journey that required us to close our eyes and picture all the people we know who hurt and then to pray over them and give them compassion.  It was profound for me who came into my picture.  It was not who I was expecting...

Then we had to draw ourselves as children. I drew myself as a little girl and the confusion with all sorts of squiggles, question marks and colours to show what surrounded my existence.  I however found myself drawing roads out of it... faith, dance, art, school.  It was in this simple exercise today that I realised why I have such a passion to see 'safe spaces'created for children where they can express themselves, feel good about themselves and develop new skill.  I realised again today how grateful I am to the adults in my childhood that made safe places for me to grow into me...
