The Darker Side...

My heart already broke in my Inside Out group a week ago as the children begun to tell me their stories.  There is not one child who comes from a home that has both parents around.  The one girl is an orphan and clearly neglected.  My involvement with this group of kids can not end as the group comes to a close next week.

Today they were tasked to build a child together.  I gave them lots of material, art supplies and freedom to have fun.  All they did was argue and call "her" names from the start.  They really struggled to dress and name her and... it was really tough.  Only one girl in the group gave herself to trying to make her pretty.

These kids, having let me know some of their stories have not experienced nurture and very little care and the world is unsafe for them...  Their child had a horrible story.

How are they supposed to show nurture, if they do not know what it is...
