What is it you actually do?

Having being asked this question a few times in the last few weeks again and because I am emerging out of a time of transition... I want to tell you who I am.

My first and most important role in my life is, I am worshiper - I love my God!  He is my faithful friend who through the gift of His Son and His precious Holy Spirit, I have all I need for life and peace.  His Kingdom is one of love, Joy and Peace. My greatest desire is that His Kingdom Come and His Will Be Done!

I am married to Holger lorentz who heads up the NGO MercyAIDS.  He has been my faithful friend for many years and my husband for 17 years 5 months and 13 days.

I am a mom of 3 beautiful children.  All gifted, unique and the joy of my heart...

I am a daughter; both my dads are in heaven.  My step dad who was my father from the time I was 9 died in 2008 and my biological dad that I sadly never really got to know died a year ago.  I thank God for the precious time I got to spend with him before he died.  He did love me...
My mom is living in Benoni and still working every day, very hard and... I wish she was closer.
I have in-laws in Germany.  My parents-in-law will be married for 50 years in 2014.

I am a sister and an aunt; I have two step sisters that I love very much.  They both live in KZN and they have given me one of the greatest pleasure in my life...  my 3 gorgeous nieces. My one niece is a mommy of 3 beautiful children and the other two are students that I get to hang out with now and again.  A great spoil to have them close!
I have 3 biological siblings.  My oldest sister is living in Brisbane, Australia.  She is married and the mother of two step children (one is married and now has a baby - so, she is granny) and my nephew who survived against all odds as a baby. My younger sister is married and lives in England and my brother is married to a wonderful woman and he has a son and 3 step children and he lives in Texas.  I have a sister-in-law who has made sure we see her every year since we married - what a gift! I have a brother-in-law who is married to an amazing woman and they have 3 children... I dream about us all still having one Christmas together one day.  I am a sister who often has pain in my heart because we are all so far from each other...

I am a niece and a cousin... all are also to far away from me; all over the world!

I am a friend.  I am despite my opinion of how I have done this part of my life in the last 10 years... I am a good and loyal friend.  I am going to become a great friend to have.  I have amazing friends... I thank God for each of you.

I am a worker and I have a vocation.  I work with the obligation of a call...  I was told at school that I should be in some form of humanities work.  I have spoken in an earlier blog how this has got me around in my life.  I work for a church. I love this part of my life... I know it is where I am supposed to be.  I have few projects I am working on and in... this brings me great joy.  I dream about a safer world for children and all I do is under girded by this passion...


  1. I love you so my dear sister, you are just as missed and just as much loved. Yes, I pray that we will all spend a Christmas together as one family. That would be the best Christmas ever. All my love
    Kim all the way from Australia


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