Boxes of Faith

Just before I went on leave I was told that we were going to have boxes of food to distribute in Fisantekraal from a recent food drive we did at church... and that I was asked to find the poor who need them.  I had a reaction to this... I do not like being involved in interventions that have no long term sustainability.  I prefer development and helping people grow food teaching them how to find ways to feed themselves approach.  Cynical, I know... but it comes from years of intervention work! Once the hungry eats that plate of food or that vulnerable child has that intervention camp - then what?!  I live with a collection of this dissatisfied 'then what' in my soul...

BUT, while I was on leave I was being reminded again about Jesus and the 5 loaves and 2 fish.  I was reminded again that kingdom living is one of faith... and that if I did not start with something in faith, the rest would not follow.  I want to see poverty turn around in Fisantekraal.  I want to see the people empowered to get out of their poverty.  I want to see so much...  BUT I want to do it my way.  BUT my way is not producing the outcomes I dream of.  As I have prayed in the last little while like never before 'Lord your way!' and 'Your kingdom come'... things are working out differently to how I imagined it would in my head.

All of sudden we have boxes of food to distribute, hot lunches to give to a school and people all around me who want to see more done in this place than just the distribution of food.  As we get 'coverage' about all this food and box distribution, we get to tell people about our development programs and the Fisantekraal Shalom Trust and how they can get involved... for the development if Fisantekraal.

Today, I am excited to be involved in this intervention, because I really believe this is a part of the loaves of bread and fish for Fisantekraal and soon much more will come...
