Perhaps the FST was a start or perhaps just a part...

I know starting a blog with a heading that has a whole lot of acronyms is not the way to go... but, seeing that this is my space...

I hope you will ask if you need clarity about what the terms mean.

It has been a fascinating morning as I have been looking through my notebooks from this year and the plans, minutes, my journals etc. it is like I have been doing a little "stock take" as I  re-emerge after what has been a crazy couple of weeks...

Why now?  You see I plan to go on leave in two weeks time and I wanted to make sure that I do all I need to so that my team has enough to keep themselves busy while I am gone... just kidding, we have more than enough to do - just ask the interns.  It is more seriously driven by the fact that there have been a lot of changes in my world in the last little while and  processes are not going according to the original plan and I have been forced to find out the right way to go... for me!

What has been fascinating for me is that I have been having crazy dreams again during this season that made no sense at the time, but now that the dust is settling around me, I can almost see clearly again. The chaos and confusion in retrospect look like friends and not foes. The dreams make sense and the pain seems like it was worth it all now... something different is emerging from the dust of shattered plans... the end of one of season and the beginning of a new one.

I have really KNOWN the way to go for me for a long time.  I really have believed that networks + networking our resources and expertise will be in the best interest of children.  I believe this is the way to go to really help children in South Africa, Liberia and Uganda... for now!

As I have reflected this morning I realise that I have been dreaming Child Care Networks all year again but it has almost been a secret to myself.  After my disappointing experience with Social Development pulling the plug on the project at the end of 2010... and with all the battles and confusion from that...  I risked dreaming the dream again in 2012; however the excitement of Fisantekraal, Liberia and Uganda and latest Philippi Crisis kept me away from really thinking about... I moved from my own True North & I have because of this allowed myself to be caught up in a lot of different “battles” and "good causes" this year, but I also know I have needed to go through them and I have grown in myself because of them...

None of these things I am involved in currently is in and of itself the full picture to this thing in my heart...but together they make a beautiful framework.   The experiences have been sign posts on the road to this THING that is still being defined in my head and with the emerging team... there is a team of us talking the same language now :)

I believe I have had all of these experiences and that I have been exposed to these different things this year and in previous years for a greater purpose... I have become more aware of what I am called to...it has everything to do with ADVOCACY and AFRICAN CONTINENTAL CHANGE around the attitudes of adults towards vulnerable children and the establishing of PROPER functioning networks to support them.

How am I taking the steps in the direction supporting this call in me?

Currently I am part of a project that is an emerging network to help take care of orphans and vulnerable children in Fisantekraal.  I know that we are on to something significant in Fisantekraal and I do believe God is orchestrating it because it came out of the side-line....it happened in a room of adults sitting together dreaming in Fisantekraal.  It was now a shared dream of many...

BUT now as I read the notes I have made all year... we were asking for it!  God has been orchestrating this on our behalf and many others who have prayed similar prayers. I am sure this is happening in many other places than just Fisantekraal.

I am profoundly grateful for my employer and the staff I work with who have given me the freedom to grow, explore and find out what it is... as long as I do my KPA's :)

Exciting times for sure!
