Reflecting on Uganda as I am about to leave for Liberia...

When I went to Uganda last year, I could not believe the love I felt immediately for the land and her beautiful people.  I was not sure what my role was or how it would all turn out.  What I was sure of was that God had showed me that I needed to come and that He would show me while I was there what His purpose was for me...

Up until that point I had never spoken at a conference or in front of large amounts of women.  The work I do is often with a group of about 15 and at the most 25.

I was the opening speaker and I could not believe how much I felt God's love for the ladies and how clearly He spoke to me through His word of what He wanted to say to them.

It was profound to watch a hall of women accept me and hear what I had to say...  I was so inspired by their love, openness and desire to know intimacy with a Father.
While the conference was going on inside, my heart kept going outside to the children who were wandering around and having no one to teach them.  They responded with such warmth to any show of care.  They were simply beautiful.  The red soil of Uganda and these precious children playing in it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.  I could not help thinking about ways we could could do something with the children if we came again.  I could not help thinking that I need to return with my training and see adults empowered to work with the vulnerable children.  It was all just a dream...

I had amazing opportunity to go to a church in Kampala that was a haven of hope.  Hope for the orphan and the alien.  A church where all belong and are brothers and sisters in Jesus.  In this church there were people from nations that were at war sharing and worshiping together as the greatest of friends.  The band sang songs about rebuilding, and taking care of widows and orphans, the alien and the...  I was deeply impacted by this church.  I started to dream...
I was not sure then how it would all come together.  I was not even sure if I could or would ever return.  All I was sure of was that God had a heart to restore the orphan and... the poor.  I prayed and offered my life to Him to use it in any way to be a voice to help the church in Uganda...

I am going again, but before I do I am off to Liberia via Ghana tomorrow.  I go with a big expectation in my heart that God will carry me and that He will use me.  I am His...


  1. Trusting with you for God's purposes for you on this return trip to Uganda. Rhonda


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